The concept of The Good Neighbour was influenced by the injunction to love your neighbour and be a helping hand to anyone close to you who may be in need.
TGN is focused on lending a helping hand to the less privileged among OAU students in order to encourage them to do well in their studies and in life. The vision is to assist indigents with stipends on a regular basis during their stay in OAU to help them focus on their studies and to motivate them to also give back to the society in their little way in the future.
KINDNESS the best form of HUMANITY
Giving, the Greatest Act of Grace
The good neighbour is an initiative of a Professor in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU). The initiator decided to give back to the society by assisting students in the Faculty of Social Sciences (at first but later expanded to all faculties) in OAU with little financial assistance. He believed that such assistance will help the students to concentrate on their studies, have a good result and ultimately influence them to also give back to the society in the nearest future.
TGN will continue to identify indigent students and assist them as much as TGN’s resources can accommodate. The team will also be opened to collaborations with other individuals, group of individuals or organisations with similar motives to reach out to more indigent students in OAU.